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Research is Formalized Curiosity. It is Poking and Prying with a Purpose Zora Neale Hurston
This article was originally published by Informatics Publishing and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.
Journal of Academy of Education – A journal for the dental students is aimed at rousing curiosity in dental science . We are in the era of research where one is encouraged to ask the question ‘Why’. As little children , one was curious about everything seen and heard . But somewhere down the line that curiosity seems to have dampened down . Is it the frenzy to earn maximum marks and be a topper that has drowned the purpose of education ! Whatever may be the reason, this journal is a platform to see in print the fruit of one’s research or a report of some interesting case or the result of literature search on a particular topic of interest. Contributing through articles improves one’s thinking and analysing prowess. Ofcourse , there is no greater joy than to see one’s work published! Students from various dental colleges have contributed very interesting articles in the previous issues and we are looking forward to similar or even better articles in the future. This is a journal that has been in circulation from 2014 with biannual issues. We wish to forge forward inculcating the mind of a researcher in every dentist. This approach will definitely affect the quality of treatment rendered to the public by the future dentist as subconsciously, every dentist will have a scientific approach to service. Wishing all our young budding dental researchers a very bright future.
Dr. Reena Rachel John
Scientific Editor