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Is research an integral part of undergraduate curriculum?

*Corresponding author: Dr. Reena Rachel John, MDS, Ph.D, FIBOMS., Editor, Journal of Academy of Dental Education, Associate Dean (Research), Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vinayaka Mission’s Sankarachariyar Dental College, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. ;
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How to cite this article: John RR. Is research an integral part of undergraduate curriculum? J Acad Dent Educ 2022;8:1-2.
The Editorial of this issue of the journal is titled as a question! Is it a rhetoric or a query that needs inquiry!
We live in an era when the youth of the country has gone through an education system which has molded them to follow instructions and guidelines without questioning. Any voice that raises a question is branded as rebellious! Hence, it is but natural to find that the students of a university are expected to follow a curriculum during their undergraduate and postgraduate training. Teaching and learning are integral to any outcome-based education program, but is it the only way to ensure a good outcome!
It is only recently that Research in Higher Educational Institutions has taken great importance under the University Grant Commission (UGC) guidelines and National Assessment and Accreditation Committee. Research done for the sake of research and hence reinventing the wheel defeats the purpose of stimulating the mind to think and enquire. The advantages of research extend beyond attaining a degree certificate.
“Knowledge generated by research is the basis of sustainable development, which requires that knowledge be placed at the service of development, be converted into applications and be shared to ensure widespread benefits.” says Mary-Louise Kearney, Director of the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research, and Knowledge.[1,2]
Through the involvement of students in research activities in the institution, the students transform from consumers of knowledge into knowledge producers.[1]
What to do for more research-based teaching-learning?
Understand that education and research are equally important
Appoint at least one professor of research education
Establish a center for teaching and learning
Link research and teaching committees
Bridge any divides between research staff and teaching staff
Appoint faculty who excel in both research and teaching
Strengthen positive attitudes toward research by students among staff and students
Make resources available for students to do research
Make it possible that libraries give information literacy instruction to students
Offer opportunities and incentives for teachers for further development of their “research-based” teaching competence and excellence
Introduce an undergraduate student research award
Monitor the growth of “research-based” teaching.
Academics and research should go hand in glove so that the students will be able to reignite their curious mind. The undergraduate students will understand the importance of literature search and deriving a research question to find solutions to simple problems encountered in day-to-day life. Research is an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained from academics and hence critique the outcome for the benefit of society.
Our journal – JOURNAL OF ACADEMY OF DENTAL EDUCATION (JADE) is an unique journal which is for the undergraduate students to express their research abilities through their publications. It is with a sense of pride and satisfaction that I inform the readers and authors of this journal that JADE has been included in the UGC CARE Category 1 list of journals.
Looking forward to many more meaningful research publications from undergraduate students of health sciences.
Best wishes
- Role and Need for Research in Higher Education. 2017. Available from: [Last accessed on 2017 Apr 14]
- [Google Scholar]